Sunday, December 20, 2020

Do vaccines contain human cell material?

Do vaccines contain human cell material?

Some vaccines are made from viruses or pathogenic molecules that are expanded in human, animal, or yeast cells.

There are two human cell lines that pharmaceutical companies use. These are called WI-38 and MRC-5. Both of these cell lines were established from cells taken from the lungs of aborted fetuses.

But for some people, the fact that cells from aborted fetuses are used in this way presents a moral problem.

Other viruses are grown in animal cells before being incorporated into vaccines. Animal cells used for this purpose include kidney cells from African green monkeys (Vero cells) and chick embryo cells.

Friday, August 14, 2020

India's High Beef Exports

PETA's investigation of dairy factory farms across India also documented that animals are crudely and painfully artificially inseminated, denied veterinary care, and forced to stand and lie in piles of their own feces. There are no "beef cattle" feedlots in India, and as 'The Hindu' explains, cattle in India are not bred and raised specifically for beef. They are supplied to the beef industry by the dairy industry and by farmers who choose to sell their cattle to a butcher after a lifetime of work or as soon as they are deemed unsuitable for labor, such as when they break a leg, a common occurrence when cattle are forced to pull heavy loads.

Veganism And Vegans

Veganism excludes meat, eggs, dairy products, and other animal-derived ingredients. Vegans should not eat foods and drinks that are processed using animal products, which include many varieties of refined white sugar and wines. Veganism also prohibits products made from leather, silk, and cosmetics like lipstick which might have animal products.

Do vaccines contain human cell material?

Do vaccines contain human cell material? Some vaccines are made from viruses or pathogenic molecules that are expanded in human, animal, or ...